the main links
- http://willuhn.de – "home of jameica & hibiscus"
- http://www.onlinebanking-forum.de/forum/index.php?f=33 – onlinebanking-forum.de: hbci4java / Hibiscus
- https://github.com/willuhn/hbci4java/tree/master/demo/HBCIBatch
- http://www.onlinebanking-forum.de/forum/topic.php?t=18824 – HBCIBatch HOWTO ?!?
- http://willuhn.de/products/hibiscus-server/
- http://www.onlinebanking-forum.de/forum/topic.php?t=18822 – hibiscus-server and daylight saving time
- /usr/share/zoneinfo
running hibiscus-server on a Synology DiskStation
rcjameica is the perfect way to control your hibiscus-server. The conditio sine qua non is a functional /etc/rc.status (from openSUSE). (I simply removed the code chunk from it, that makes use of /usr/bin/mountpoint.)
If you got rcjameica running, execute it like this:
USER@DiskStation999 $ ~/hibiscus-server-2.6.11/rcjameica {start|stop|restart|status}
If you do not have a functional rcjameica, then execute jameicaserver.sh instead:
USER@DiskStation999 $ ~/hibiscus-server-2.6.11/jameicaserver.sh
It is also writing its output to ~/.jameica/jameica.log, so don't mind capturing it yourself.
In order to disconnect the script resp. the server from the console simply background it:
^Z # suspend the utility running USER@DiskStation999 $ bg # background it
In order to take it down:
USER@DiskStation999 $ pstree -p # find the java process just beneath hibiscus-server USER@DiskStation999 $ kill THAT_PROCESS
when you find your hibscus server hanging
Sometimes I find a series of this message in my ~/.jameica/jameica.log :
synchronization already running, cancel current run
If it is a series (and not just a single occurrence), the software is presumably dead-locked, and you may want to create the Java process's thread dump as described here (the Java runtime system dumps its thread tree to stdout, if it receives SIGQUIT):
- https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E13222_01/wls/docs51/techsupport/threaddump.html
- http://www.willuhn.de/blog/index.php?/archives/107-Thread-Dump-bei-Deadlocks-ausgeben.html
story: running "Hibiscus Payment-Server" on a Synology DiskStation
yes, I know, I should purge this.
- http://Jochen.Hayek.name/wp/blog-en/2015/02/12/hibiscus-payment-server-synology-diskstation/
- http://willuhn.de/products/hibiscus-server/
- https://www.synology.com/en-global/releaseNote/JavaManager
- Synology's JavaManager assists in installing Oracle's JVM successfully
- I succeeded running the hibiscus server shell script to start the hibiscus server
- I have operated the hibiscus server successfully for months now on openSUSE VMs
- my previous self-installed Oracle JVM were unsuccessful attempts
- just as I operated the openSUSE based hibiscus servers, the Synology BusyBox+IPKG based hibiscus server seems to run stably and successfully for now
- i.e. "all" my bank accounts, that I can communicate with through HBCI/FinTS, are now getting synchronised to databases on my local NAS twice an hour (or as often as I want); this synchronisation happens independently of any desktop or notebook PC being online
- another piece of software (developed by myself) dumps these databases to CSV-like bank statement text files, and informs me of changes to them through XMPP AKA Jabber communication
- corruption of the hibiscus-server databases does not hurt me at all – it is only a means to communicate with the banks – it's just that the bank-enforced HBCI/FinTS communication isn't stateless and stores records on databases – everything I need in the end are the CSV-like text files – setting up the bank account details on hibiscus-server is a piece of cake
which database to use
hibiscus with MySQL
hibiscus with H2
- http://willuhn.de/products/hibiscus-server/install.php what to remove in case you want to use H2 instead of MySQL
- hibiscus-server-*/cfg/de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.rmi.HBCIDBService.properties.NOTE.txt :
öffne die Datei "cfg/de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.rmi.HBCIDBService.properties" in einem Texteditor und passe die Zugangsdaten zur Datenbank an: -> /usr/local/hibiscus-server/cfg/de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.rmi.HBCIDBService.properties ... Wenn Du keine externe Datenbank nutzen möchtest, dann lösche einfach diese Konfigurationsdatei. Der Server wird beim ersten Start automatisch eine verschlüsselte Embedded-Datenbank (H2) erstellen.