Synology DSM

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OPKG for Synology DiskStations running Synology DSM

CAVEAT: In 2017 I started using opkg (Entware-NG) instead of ipkg (optware). This document may not be updated entirely to reflect the new circumstances.

the GNU packages that I need most seriously on my Synology NAS

$ sudo opkg list_installed
bash - A bourne style shell.
coreutils - Bunch of heavyweight *nix core utilities.
diffutils - contains gnu diff, cmp, sdiff and diff3 to display differences between and among text files.
exif - A small command-line utility to show and change EXIF information in JPEG files. // CAVEAT: entware-ng does not have it
file - Ubiquitous file identification utility.
findutils - File finding utilities.
findutils-locate – This package contains the locate and related updatedb utility.
gcc - The GNU Compiler Collection.
ghostscript - ... // includes ps2pdf
gkrellmd - Gkrellm is a utility to display system stats (cpu, processes, memory,..) in a nice little window. // server component // CAVEAT: entware-ng does not have it
glib - The GLib library of C routines. // CAVEAT: entware-ng does not have it
grep - Global regular expression parser.
gzip - GNU Zip data compression program. // provides: zless, zgrep, …
less - Less file browser.
make - examines files and runs commands necessary for compilation.
nail - command-line email-client supporting POP3, IMAP, SMTP, ...
perl-text-csv_xs - Text comma-separated values manipulation routines.
perlbase-cpan - CPAN perl module. // will install lots of other useful CPAN modules
poppler-utils – … // includes pdftohtml; better than the xpdf package
procps - PROCPS System Utilities. // CAVEAT: entware-ng does not have it
psmisc - A set of some small useful utilities that use the proc filesystem.
rcs - The Revision Control System (RCS) manages multiple revisions of files. // CAVEAT: entware-ng does not have it, optware-ng has it
rsync - fast remote file copy program (like rcp).
unzip – …
vim - Yet another version of the vi editor.
wget - A network utility to retrieve files from the Web.
# I assume these ones get installed indirectly:
pkgconfig - Package configuration tool.
util-linux - A suite of essential utilities for any Linux system.
# a few more get installed "indirectly" for sure…

And BTW occasionally you want to do this:

# update list of available packages:
root@DiskStation $ opkg update
# upgrade all installed packages to latest version:
root@DiskStation $ opkg upgrade

"Even" on your NAS you may want to keep source controlled text notes, that's why even good old RCS may make sense.

Maybe it's worth installing the "Toolchain" according to this description:

root@DiskStation # ipkg list | fgrep optware-devel
optware-devel - This is a meta package that bundles all the packages required for optware native development. When fully functional, it should …

utilities to get started and stopped automatically

Resp. scripts live in /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ .

  • /opt/sbin/gkrellmd --detach --pidfile $HOME/var/run/ and interesting / important articles – articles I imported from there

That wiki looks a little abandoned, and I wanted to be able to update some details, that's why I imported these articles.


here and interesting / important articles