How to Host a Website with the Synology Server

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The Synology Server has a built-in Apache Web Engine which can be used to host web pages. This should not be confused with building or coding web pages; users are still required to write their own web page code, if they wish to use this function. The Web Station is great for light weight oriented work, such as a personal web sites, or for a great way for small offices to disseminate information among it's employees.

Along with the Apache Engine, the Synology Server also has MySQL and PHP capabilities which can be used for dynamic web site content creation, such as Bulletin Boards, Blogs, or Wiki Sites.

This article was written from DSM2.0.x-0518

Enabling Web Service[edit]

The Web Station[edit]

Enable the Web service by going to

  • Synology Administration Menu
  • Network Services
  • Web Service
    • Enable Web Service
    • Enable MySQL Service if desired
  • Press OK

Minor configurations[edit]

The Synology Sever will create a new root share called web where the full path to this folder is \\SynologyServer\web\. It may be necessary to adjust the permissions of this folder to have access to the web folder, which can be founder under the Privileges menu of the Synology Product.



In the web folder, create a plain text file, titled index.html In this file, copy and paste the following example code into the file. Save the file and point the web browser to http://synologyserver/
The image on the right reflects what should be displayed.

         Hello World!

         hello world
      <p style="color: blue; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">
         Testing blue font at size 12!




This is for users who wish to know some basic information about the PHP capabilities of the Synology server, create a plain text file titled phpinfo.php. In this file, have the following code; afterwards point your web browser to http://synologyserver/phpinfo.php. The web browser should display PHP information, please refer to the image for an example.

<? phpinfo(); ?>

Additional Resources[edit]